Cover crops are an essential part of a healthy farm system. In addition to yield increases, cover crops are proven to reduce erosion, improve soil tilth, reduce compaction, cycle nutrients through the soil profile, promote nitrogen fixation, manage moisture, and increase soil organic matter. In short, cover crops make land more fertile and resilient to extreme weather.
Farmers debate the best way to terminate and incorporate cover crops. How do you fight weeds if you use a roller crimper? Do no-till methods incorporate enough carbon? Do you use a flail mower, weed whacker, or bush hog? Do you incorporate with a chisel plow, spader, or tiller?
Join us as we discuss and debate the merits of different cover crop termination and incorporation methods. No matter your scale, cover crops can be a part of your farm system.
Soil health experts and farmers will join us, including Hayley Roberts (Harpeth Moon Farm), Nora McDonald (The Community Farm at Mill Ridge), Peyton Cypress (Southall Farms), Resham Thapa (T.S.U.), and Trent Cash (NRCS).
Roller crimping demos at garden, mid-size, and large scale
NRCS-led panel discussion
Demo of cover crop nitrogen calculator
Farm-fresh snacks