HIRING: Gardener at Stones River National Cemetery
Please help the National Park Service spread the word about a Gardener Position within the Stones River National Cemetery in Stones River National Battlefield in Tennessee. The National Cemetery is historic landscape with mature trees, turf and ornamental plantings that need the care of a talented Gardener. Please consider sharing the link or posting this email on a job board.
APPLY: Virtual Fence Conservation Fund
From ATTRA: The Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) is accepting applications to the Virtual Fence Conservation Fund. This $250,000-dollar initiative aims to enhance wildlife conservation by empowering ranchers and conservationists to adopt virtual fencing technology on public and private lands. The fund is accepting applications from ranchers, landowners, and conservation organizations who seek to employ this promising technology to advance land, water, or wildlife conservation initiatives. PERC will award a series of grants ranging from $10,000 to $75,000 based on overall conservation impact and project size.
SURVEY: Assessing Digital Technology Adoption Level Among Southern US Farmers
The purpose and goals of this study are to explore the digital tools used in your farm operations or activities, examine the effectiveness of these digital tools, and identify any limitations or challenges encountered while using these digital tools.
UPDATE: The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024
The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 recently passed by the House Agriculture Committee does not serve the new generation of farmers and ranchers in this country. Young Farmers opposed the bill when it was initially released and mobilized hundreds of advocates in direct and grassroots action to encourage House Agriculture Committee members to vote against it.