Preserving Tennessee Farmland: Strategies for Land Access and Transfer
Saturday, December 7th, 3:15 PM, Room 303
Brooks Lamb, American Farmland Trust, Alexis Close, Appalachian RC&D Council, Emily Parish of Land Trust of TN, Christy Bartee of Batson Nolan PLC
Tennessee's farmland and farmers face an uncertain future. Statistics show that our agricultural acreage is being converted to real estate development at an astounding rate, and the Census of Agriculture reveals that the number of farms in Tennessee decreased by more than 1,000 per year between 2017-2022. Perhaps unsurprisingly, small and mid-scale farms were most impacted by the forces of farm consolidation and land conversion. To secure a future for Tennessee's farms and farmers, we need a multi-pronged strategy, one that protects lands for agricultural production, helps retiring farmers exit the field with confidence and dignity, and supports young and aspiring farmers in accessing affordable land. These efforts can and must build upon one another. Our session will briefly describe the "lay of the land" around these issues and then transition into a panel discussion with experts from various fields. The discussion promises to be engaging for those interested in farmland protection, succession planning and farm transfer, and land access.