Jeannie Hunter

Regional Director, The Society of St. Andrew

The Row by Row Experiment & More About What is Lost in the Field, Friday, December 6th, 10:15 AM, Classroom 303

Jeannie Hunter is the Regional Director of the Society of St. Andrew, a nonprofit that gleans food that may otherwise go to waste, distributing it to agencies that feed hungry people. Having previously served as an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), her work at SoSA has led her to work in and/or study local food systems, regenerative agriculture, food waste prevention, food justice, and public policy.

Jeannie graduated from Eckerd College (BA) and Emory University (MDiv), and is currently studying at Tennessee State University (MPA). She has a daughter named Esther, a cat named Marshmallow, gardens for veggies and herbs, and too many houseplants. She appreciates all things crafty, with a special love for knitting.

Learn about the Society of St. Andrew, learn about Biocycle, follow on Facebook & Instagram.