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WEBINAR: TN-Grown and TN-Made: Strategies for Scaling Up

Join What Chefs Want’s Local Food Connection team and state-wide partners Tennessee Local Food for an interactive workshop designed specifically for TN producers.


+ Current or prospective TN-based vendors for What Chefs Want (WCW, aka Creation Gardens)

+ Anyone who wants to learn more about how to sell their TN products to WCW

By the end of the session, you’ll:

+ Understand the basics of how the Local Food Connection (LFC) program works

+ Know the types of farms LFC works with, understand how LFC crop planning varies by type of vendor, the need, and vendor status (current, prospective, or interested)

+ Be able to evaluate whether working with LFC is a mutually good fit

+ Be ready to take the next steps to use the rest of this pre-season efficiently!

March 23

WORKSHOP: Walk-Behind Tractor On-Farm Workshop