We’re excited to announce a new addition to this year’s Tennessee Local Food Summit: Tap Root, a creative storytelling event designed to deepen connections and support our mission. We’re looking for 4 storytellers to each share a 5-minute story.

Tap Root is a chance for YOU to share your “story from the field” with our community!

Selected storytellers will receive Full Conference tickets!

(Lodging not included.)

How It Works

This year’s theme is “Resilience.” As a participant in Tennessee’s food system, tell us about a time you experienced resilience firsthand. Did you bounce back from a tough situation? Have you been moved by witnessing resilience in others? Feel free to interpret the theme as it relates to your own personal experience.

Selected storytellers will receive Full Conference tickets!
(Lodging not included.)

  1. Submit a brief summary in about 4-5 sentences. Your summary should indicate the beginning, middle, and end.

  2. Email summary with subject line “Story Submission”  to: info@tnlocalfood.org

  3. Story summaries must be submitted no later than November 22nd, 2024 for consideration.

  4. Storytellers will be notified on November 26th by email that their story was selected.

  5. If your story is selected, compose and practice! Time yourself to ensure you’re under five minutes. Be sure to allow time for laughter or pauses if appropriate. There’s no need for memorization so feel free to read it aloud.

  6. Tell your story at the TN Local Food Summit amongst your peers!